Future-Ready Leaders Program


Many leaders are at a critical crossroads now. You know the world is changing fast, and you know you’re responsible for leading your team through this change – and still ensure sustainable growth – but you’re not sure how.

If that feels like you, the Future-Ready Leaders program is for you.

This program will help you lead in uncertainty. You’ll learn how to plan from the head – so you still achieve business goals and objectives – and also lead from the heart – so you take care of your people as well.

Most of my clients are amazed at how simple some of the strategies can be, and that’s because they’re sitting on a gold mine of possibility they just haven’t mined yet. I can help you get the most out of it, and I love helping you do this!

Who Is This For?

The program is for you if you’re a people leader or manager in an organisation, and you:

  • Operate in a fast-changing industry, and want to position your team and organisation strategically for the future
  • Want to attract, reward, and keep the best talent in a highly competitive war for talent
  • Recognise the need to be proactive and responsive rather than always reacting to external pressures
  • Want to grow and develop your team members so they thrive and excel
  • Realise you need to prepare for competition from organisations that don’t even exist yet
  • Want to build a personal brand that positions you strongly inside and outside your organisation
  • Need to develop key strategic messages you want to share with others

How Does It Work?

Broadly, the material is about leading in uncertainty, with a focus on being proactive about change and disruption.

I’ve shared much of this material in my books Disruption By Design and Disrupted, which are both for leaders acting in times of uncertainty and change. Participants get a copy of both books when they start the program.

The program includes the following components and touchpoints.

Your Investment

To get the most out of the program, be prepared to invest about one day a month of your time. This includes time for the active participation in the program as well as applying the ideas in your own leadership practice.

We choose the group sessions in time zones that suit as many people as possible in your team. Even so, I know we all have busy lives and competing priorities, so all the sessions are recorded (only for the group) for your reference.

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