Leadership Programs
Future Scenarios
Seeing Into The Future
When planning for the future, we need the skill of foresight: Seeing into the future, identifying plausible scenarios, and using them to make more robust, more flexible, and more realistic plans.
AI Accelerator
Get More Done with AI – Faster
Are you a forward-thinking leader who is keen to start using AI in your team, but don’t know where to start? Instead of waiting for the perfect solution, this program lets you start small and create real value quickly – for yourself, your teams, and ultimately your organisation as well.
Futurist in Residence
Future Thinking At Your Fingertips
Tap into Gihan’s futurist expertise for a whole year! Stay regularly updated with the latest trends, shifts and disruptive forces in your industry and business, so you can plan for them and stay ahead of the game. You get quarterly board/leadership updates, ongoing intelligence, and a sounding board for the strategic leadership team.
Future-Ready Leaders
Innovate From The Inside Out
Disruption is when it happens to you, innovation is when you do it yourself. This coaching program shows you how to take the lead in preparing for an uncertain future and navigating your team through a fast-changing world.
Better Meetings
Fresh Ideas for More Engaging Meetings
Team meetings are an essential part of working together, but many people say they are boring and a waste of time. This service will help you make your team meetings more engaging, more useful, and more effective. After all, you don’t just want better meetings – you want a high-performance team that achieves its goals, right?