Seeing Into The Future


Practical Foresight For A Fast-Changing World

Welcome to a world where uncertainty, change, and disruption rule! External pressures beyond our control have a massive impact on lives, and we’ve all seen this in the last few years.

We would love to have certainty about our future, but that’s impossible in a fast-changing world. Don’t step back and make your plans shorter and your goals smaller. Instead, learn to think like a futurist, so you can think ahead to see what’s around the corner and over the horizon.

Discover how to anticipate trends, spot opportunities, and prepare today for an uncertain tomorrow. The best leaders don’t promise certainty, but they offer more clarity and confidence so we can all make better, more well-informed decisions now.

In this compelling keynote for forward-thinking leaders at all levels, learn the essentials of futurist thinking so you can inspire, motivate, and lead your team through an uncertain – and exciting – future.

Key Messages

    • Understand the key external factors that could affect your short-term, medium-term, and long-term plans
    • Broaden your thinking to have an external perspective
    • Engage the diversity and different perspectives of the entire team
    • Adopt the mindset of an active learner and possibility thinker
    • Stay relevant, flexible, and resilient in your planning

Who Is This For?

This presentation is for leaders and managers. It’s right for you if:

  • Your people are feeling tired, stressed, burned out, and jaded
  • Your people – even leaders and managers – resist change, and are worried about the future
  • You are working in a competitive industry that’s constantly changing
  • You want teams and departments to collaborate, innovate, and share more with each other
  • You need to build foresight and flexibility in your team


  • 45-60 minute conference keynote
  • 90-minute extended keynote
  • 45-60 minute online presentation

The Full Package

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