

The Thinking Ahead newsletter brings you regular updates on how to be fit for the future in a fast-changing world.

Recent Articles

  • Teams Without Boundaries: Beyond The Office 9 To 5
    There’s been a lot of news recently about leaders of large organisations in Australia forcing their teams to return to the traditional office full-time. But that’s a sure-fire way to limit both your talent pool and your competitive advantage. The future of work is no longer confined by geography or the traditional nine-to-five model. If you’re …
  • Leadership 2025: Predict The Future And Empower Your Team
    To be a future-ready leader, it’s useful to foresee coming trends, changes, and challenges. But it’s just as important to bring your team along on the change journey. It’s not enough to predict the future; you also need to create an environment where your people are open, willing, and excited to innovate and adapt. I do …
  • AI Conversations: Transforming Documents Into Interactive Experiences
    Imagine being able to turn your documents into engaging, podcast-like discussions. You can upload any text, from company reports to study notes, and in just a few clicks, it creates a realistic conversation between two AI personas discussing the content. It’s like having an instant expert breakdown of complex information, making it easier to digest. Let’s …
  • Over The Horizon: Why You Need Scenario Planning
    As a leader, you’re responsible not only for managing now but also planning for the future. But it’s not always easy to find the time to look ahead. Scenario planning helps you navigate the uncertainties of the future with clarity and confidence. Youj can’t have certainty, but knowing what’s over the horizon helps you make …
  • AI At Work: When to Be Selfish, When to Be Generous
    When building AI capability in your workplace, you can find many ways for it to help you personally as a leader – in improving your decision-making, boosting productivity, and helping you lead more effectively. It’s equally important to help your team leverage AI – by sharing your knowledge, providing resources, and empowering them to harness …
  • Overcoming Fear Of AI: The Single Biggest Thing That Makes A Difference
    Unfortunately, most of the media stories about AI are negative, and if that’s all somebody sees, it’s not surprising they might be hesitant, reluctant, or even scared of using AI at work. And that’s a problem for you if you’re a leader who wants to use AI effectively in your teams. There’s one key thing …
  • Better Decisions, Better Outcomes: AI in Decision Making
    What decisions are you making with AI? It’s a powerful tool for enhancing your decision-making process, leading to more informed, accurate, and effective outcomes. It’s not about AI replacing your human judgment but augmenting and informing it, so you can make better choices to shape your future. What decisions are you making with AI? I don’t …
  • Human Or Machine? Avoid This AI Blunder In Your Team
    How much should you integrate AI into your workplace? One company went too far, and faced a backlash from employees – and everybody else who heard the story. It’s important to treat as a tool to help people. It must be about people first, technology second. How much should you integrate AI into your workplace? AI …
  • Create Space For Change: Give Them Permission, Focus, and Time
    In today’s fast-paced world, you can’t just keep pushing your team to change unless you create the space for them to adapt, change, and innovate. Unless you do this, even the people who want to change will get frustrated that they keep bumping into obstacles. I’ve been doing a lot of work with leaders recently about …
  • Navigating Resistance: Strategies to Help Your Team Embrace Change
    Change can be challenging, especially with a resistant team. As a leader, you can help your team embrace change through simple, low-risk strategies that gradually make a difference over time. Start small and watch your team’s mindset shift gradually. Is your team resistant to change or more open to embracing it? There’s a lot of change …
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