Five Minds For The Future
Five Minds For The Future
I organise complex material so it makes sense to me and others
I remind other team members to assess the impact of our work on our mission and values
I learn using a range of different methods, formats, and sources
I seek opportunities to amplify the unique strengths and talents of others
I work well with other people to find creative solutions to problems
I am dissatisfied with the way things are, and look for better ways of doing things
I have strong principles and values that drive my behaviour at work
I’m constantly learning so I can improve my expertise in my discipline
I explore and learn from outside my regular work and areas of expertise
I’m willing to champion my ideas if I feel strongly about them
I try to understand the motivation behind other people’s words and actions, even if I don’t agree with them
I will only work in an organisation whose purpose aligns with mine
I’m good at adapting ideas in creative ways to make them more useful and practical
I facilitate discussion and collaboration within teams and groups
I find solutions to problems from outside my regular work, expertise, and industry
I challenge and question my knowledge so I can “un-learn” things that are no longer true
I seek and promote collaboration with people with diverse backgrounds, expertise, and ideas
I challenge my own biases and assumptions about other people
I speak up when I see people acting against our mission and values
I look for practical ways to put new ideas into practice
I would accept a significant pay cut to work in an organisation that’s more aligned with my purpose
I have opportunities to practise my discipline in my regular work
I capture the essence of ideas in models, rules, metaphors or pictures
Your Results
The Five Minds
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