Author name: Gihan Perera


TED Talks Storytelling – by Akash Karia

This brief but value-packed book, drawing inspiration from the famous TED Talks, is all about using storytelling in your presentations. It’s ideal if you would like to learn more about bringing your presentations to life through stories. The author, Akash Karia, looks at a number of features of stories, such as: Starting with a story […]


Leadership is About Being an Authority

In the past, people followed you because you had authority. In the future, they will follow you because you are an authority. Leadership has always been about authority, but there are two kinds of authority. In the past, you had authority – because of your title, your seniority, your age, or the connections in your

Productivity, Recommends

Folding Time – by Neen James

There are many books about time management, productivity and getting things done – and this is one of the best. Neen James provides a contemporary, practical approach that really works. She says time management is dead, and we need to focus on accountability, attention, and energy. These are not just words, they form the basis


Book Review: The Lean Startup – by Eric Ries

In this book, Eric Ries proposes a model for managing something that traditionally has been seen as somewhat unmanageable: an entrepreneurial startup business. It’s a good read, even if you’re not in a startup business, but want to use the same ideas for managing a new project, product launch or service. His core idea is

Your Message

How to Write Stuff People Want to Read

Smart business owners know that content is king for Internet marketing. This has always been true, but never more so than now, when you need to prove you’re an expert before people visit your Web site. But how do you write great content that compels readers to keep reading? The secret is simple: Solve their

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