Author name: Gihan Perera

Deliver Experiences

Turn Your Products and Services Into Experiences

It’s easy to think you offer unique products and services, but in today’s world, you’re probably wrong. It doesn’t take much for a competitor to start offering the same products or services – and often that competitor can be somebody in China building the same product, or somebody in India offering the same service. Sometimes […]

Leadership, Workplace

The Officeless Office

For most of the past 200 years, the workplace of the knowledge worker has been an office. But that’s changing – and changing fast. Modern teams include full-timers, part-timers, contractors, interns, telecommuters, and job sharers. We also have extended work teams, using outsourcing, crowdsourcing, and other similar work practices. Many leaders and organisations struggle with

Authority and Personal Brand

It’s Amateur Hour on the Internet

My friend Melvin Yeo is a lawyer. And he’s an amateur. I don’t mean he’s an amateur lawyer. Far from it – he’s a highly-respected corporate lawyer who works for one of Australia’s leading companies. But that’s his day job. In his spare time, he’s an amateur “foodie” – in other words, a gourmet (though


9 Things Successful Leaders Do Now

Who are the leaders you really look up to? And what makes them great leaders? You might see things like a clear vision, a drive to succeed, a passion for their work, or the ability to inspire. But more often than not, these are the results of great leadership, and we’re seeing those results, not


This Asian Century

The power in the world has shifted, from Europe in the 19th century and the USA in the 20th century. Now we’re in The Asian Century, and it will change our world in profound ways. Organisations who tap into it will see great opportunities, while those who don’t will fall behind. If you want to

Leadership, Talent

Using Conflict for Creativity and Action

Conflict is inevitable in our fast-paced, diverse, global world. Many people think the solution to conflict is to resolve it, but Matt Lumsdaine believes in using conflict as a positive force and transforming it into creative and constructive activity. Listen To the Episode Visit Matt’s Web site here. [podcast-keep-in-touch]

Learning and Development

Break The Mentoring Rules

Every month, Kelly Mooney, CEO of the digital marketing firm Resource Ammirati, has a strategy meeting with one of her team members, Matthew Santone, to discuss the latest trends and developments in brands, consumers, and technology. A CEO having a strategy meeting? No big deal, huh? Except for one thing: Santone is many years her


The Single Best Questioning Technique Most Leaders Skip

Do you ask your team members for their input, but get frustrated when they don’t respond? It might be the way you’re asking! It’s not always easy for them to offer advice – even if you ask nicely. They might be reluctant to criticise, inexperienced in making succinct suggestions, or worried about overstepping their authority.

Deliver Experiences

Create a Better Buying Experience

Marketers are always looking for creating better experiences with their products and services. But there’s another experience that matters to your customers as well: The buying process itself. Don’t underestimate its importance, and how much this can influence your customer’s buying decision. For example, sells a commodity product – books – but has a

Learning and Development

Innovations in Learning in Our Fast, Flat and Free World

The traditional classroom training course, workshop or facilitation isn’t enough by itself anymore. Learners expect learning to happen in a social, mobile, multi-channel, and personal way. Learning professionals can tap into the tools, techniques and innovations of this new style of learning to transform their participants’ experiences and create lasting change.

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