Accelerate the experience curve. In the past, the most common development choice was a training course, but now there are many other options. By tapping into a variety of ways to accelerate learning in your organisation, you cater to individual needs, build on existing knowledge, and create exponential learning.
I covered this topic recently in a webinar, which will help you go beyond the traditional training course as a tool for learning and development.
After the webinar, I asked participants “What was the most useful thing you learned today?” Here are some of their answers:
“Ideas for personal learning”
“The big impact of post-training value compared to the spend”
“Many people do like to learn by webinar”
“Reverse Mentoring potentially powerful in generation bridging”
“The quote “What problem do I want to solve” really resonated with me”
“Interesting to see other viewpoints from outside education and adapt to my learning experience and my students”
“Reverse mentoring – I had never considered that as a valued tool for an organisation.”
“Free videos being a great way to cover complex technical things that are covered in the classroom – you don’t have to offer the whole course.”
“Additional resources such as Courageous training and your own book: The Future of Leadership”
“Some large finance related firms that employ 100,000’s of people are less focused on a person’s degree in the hiring process.”