
The Best Workplace on Earth

We all know the workplace of the future will be very different from the workplace of today. But what will the workplace of the future look like? It’s more than just technology and automation – it’s about the environment you create for attracting the smart, talented, savvy people with the skills we need for future-proofing our organisations.

The bad news is that those “stars” are in demand, and can choose where they work. Are YOU providing the sort of workplace that will attract and keep them?

You can watch the recording here:

After the webinar, I asked participants “What was the most useful thing you learned today?” Here are some of their answers:

“The quality of thinking and clarity is first class-excellent mentor”

“Reverse mentoring”

“I liked the five from/to scenarios. they are all aligned to becoming agile, but without mentioning agile.”

“The 5 reasons why people love their workplace”

“Different perspectives”

“Reverse mentoring. Of course I had heard about the concept, but what a great provocation. A real “ah ha” moment for me! :)”

“Reverse mentoring.”

“The reverse mentoring is very important. One aspect I have done which is similar is 360 reviews where staff review managers and visa versa. Had a great impact on the management team.”

“Up to date information to pass on to my clients”

“setting up formal mentoring for my team”

“The references you used, some of which I have accessed already, but others I hadn’t and want to do and look them up.”


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