
Evolving Together: Your Customers Have Changed … Have YOU?

You might think you know what your customers want, but COVID-19 made many people re-assess and re-evaluate their priorities and goals. Take the time to engage and re-engage with them to find out what they really want now, so you can be sure you’re still solving their problems and helping them achieve their goals.

I was in Brisbane last week, doing the opening keynote presentation for the Australian Physiotherapy Association conference – with over 1,000 physiotherapists from all over Australia coming together to discuss the future of their profession.

One of my key messages is to engage with customers and solve their problems, and that’s especially important right now.

I was reminded of this when thinking about the different ways clients want ME to present at their conferences. I always have a pre-event briefing call with clients, and they often have different needs.

For example:

  • This client asked me to focus on the individual and specifically NOT to talk about physiotherapy
  • In a few weeks, I’m speaking at an agriculture conference where the client asked for a futurist’s insights into sustainable agriculture practices.
  • I’m speaking soon at a human resources – HR – conference in Canberra, where the client asked me to talk about AI in leadership.
  • A few weeks ago, I spoke to a large healthcare group, where the client wanted me to speak about the future of healthcare.

So, even for the same presentation, different clients want a different angle. And if I didn’t ask, I might completely miss the mark.

This is true for your customers and clients, too. Especially after a major disruption like COVID-19, many people have re-evaluated and re-assessed what matters to them. You might think you know what your customers and clients want, but you might be wrong. Even for your best customers.

That’s why it’s so important – especially now – to engage and re-engage with your customers. If they have changed, you might need to change your products, services, and customer experience.

I’ve created a worksheet to help you re-engage with your customers and identify what matters to them. Download and use it so you can adapt and evolve to stay relevant.



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