You don’t need to take years and spend millions of dollars to get started with AI. Start with small, self-contained projects that don’t need a lot of technical expertise. These projects are effective, practical, create real value for the organisation – and also help people become more confident and comfortable with AI.
How are you going at implementing AI in your teams and in your organisation? The approach you take will make a big difference.
Let me give you two contrasting examples.
I spoke recently with a senior leader in a large organisation that’s keen to implement AI. But they want to do it “properly”, so they are spending two years on a massive AI transformation project to build their own AI tool. The catch is, until they’ve built this, – which is two years down the track – they’re not allowing their employees to use AI.
Now, we don’t know what AI is going to look like in two years from now, so what they build will almost certainly be obsolete in two years. More importantly, for those two years, their employees don’t get to use and leverage the power of AI right now!
There IS a better way.
Last week, I was running an online masterclass about AI for a client, showing people how to use AI in their everyday work. Rather than waiting until they do a full AI transformation, they allow people to run small AI projects. Some are about marketing, some about social media, others about productivity and managing calendars, and some about enhancing the customer experience.
This is a much better approach for most leaders, teams, and organisations. Let your people run these small, self-contained, safe AI projects that create value, get them comfortable with using AI, and that can then inform your larger AI strategy.
The secret to making this work is choosing the right projects. Not everything you want to do with AI can be done in a small self-contained project, but many things can.
For some practical examples, download my worksheet about AI projects, share them with your team, and use them to spark ideas for projects you can start – right now – with your people.