
Take The Leap: Are You Ready For AI?

If you’re not already using AI actively in your team, it’s time to take the leap. Don’t wait until you have the perfect strategy and policy. Take small steps now to get quick wins, then move to small-scale projects, and eventually tackle the big initiatives.

I was in Sydney last week, speaking at an international conference, about thinking like a futurist.

Of course, the topic of AI came up, as it always does. After my presentation, one of the attendees asked me,

“In terms of AI globally, how ready is Australia for AI? How advanced are we as a country?”

There are two parts to the answer.

The first is that, on a global scale, we’re not really doing that well. One report puts Australia at #31 in AI readiness – behind Malaysia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Belarus.

But the second part is that this doesn’t really matter! Instead of asking how ready Australia is for AI, a better question is,

“How ready are YOU for AI?”

For most organisations, our national readiness for AI isn’t relevant. We’re ready enough as a country. The real question is, what are YOU doing in your team or organisation to be ready for AI? Most of the practical things you can do with AI, you can start right now.

There are three ways to take the leap:

  1. Quick wins you can achieve immediately
  2. Small-scale projects you can implement in a few months
  3. Bigger projects that need more dedicated time and resources

So, how ready are you for AI?

For more, join my free public online presentation where we’ll be looking at putting AI into action at these three levels. You’ll find the link to register here, and please invite others in your team and network.

And if you’d like to talk about putting these ideas into action, I’d love to have a conversation with you as well.


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